Monday, January 14, 2013

Blogger Gadgets

The first gadget that i added was a virtual girlfriend, because who doesnt get lonely while writting blogs?? The benefits of having this gadget would be to have someone who is thier for you at all time to take the stress off your daily blogging ;).

The second gadget i got was Body Building one. This gadget is good for getting all those bloggers off the couch and into the gym so they can get into better shape to pick up them ladies. This is very useful because it makes the workout for you all by it self!

The third gadget i got was quotes from bob marley! Their is nothing better then reading a bob marley quote and knowing that he is right and having him make your day all better! :0

The fourth gadget that i got was cheeky quotes because while you have the serious quotes you also need those little funny ones to get your mind going :)!

The final gadget i got was A your momma jokes because they crack me up. They never fail to brighten my day and i wanna share that with others!

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