Wednesday, January 23, 2013

App. vs. Web

The app has some pretty cool features on it. During the time I spent playing with it I realized that you can get a preview on here by touching an eye icon, also you can edit your post but at the same time edit your HTML. I also thought it was way easier to start this post then to do it on the web. Although these are all good, the app also has a down side. Everything is smaller on the app, which in turn makes it harder to read and work on. You also don't get to see your gadgets or get your links like on the web. Another problem with this app is that you cant see your stats, atleast from what i saw when i was flipping though pushing all the buttons i saw. Their is the problem of viewing the same thing, you don't get the same effect and view on this app that you get when your on the web. In all though the app does provide a quicker alternative to get the minimal things done on your blog, don't expect to do any major changes on your actual blog. If I was wanting to do some major changing to my background or see stats, or add anything other then a post and picture, then I would use the web. For quick updates and blog posts, or to see comments on my posts while I was out and about I would use the app, because it is a lot quicker in those few aspects. I believe both are user friendly because they both are pretty much self explanatory. Though I would say the app is more user friendly due to the fact that their aren't as many things that can be done that are very in depth except the changing of the HTML.

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